The pain treatment department at Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital offers a full range of high-level anesthesia services.
The subspecialty ofhospice and palliative medicine represents the medical component of the boardtherapeutic model known as palliative care. These subspecialists reduce theburden of life-threatening conditions by supporting the best quality of lifethroughout the course of an illness, and by managing factors that contribute tothe suffering of the patient and patient’s family.
Palliative care addresses physical, psychological, social and spiritual needsof patients and their families, and provides assistance with medicaldecision-making.“Palliative care” is the comprehensive care and management of the physical,psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of patients (of all ages) andtheir families with serious and/ or life-threatening illness.
Palliative acre may be complementary to curative or life-prolonging therapiesthat are being used to meet patient- defined goals of care.
DSFH is the first private tertiaryhospital in KSA that support such care for terminally ill (advanced stages oftheir diseases) such as:
Palliative care represents a continuum ofcomfort- oriented and supportive services provided in the home, or in-patientsetting for patients with advanced life-limiting disease. Support is providedfor the patient’s family or caregivers, including bereavement support followingthe death of the patient.
Palliative care service ensures that all enrolled patients in need of hospiceand palliative care are able to obtain these needed services.
To book an appointment or for inquiries, please contact 8001209999 or fill out the following form and our team will contact you later.