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The subspecialty of hospice and palliative medicine represents the medical component of the board therapeutic model known as palliative care. These subspecialists reduce the burden of life-threatening conditions by supporting the best quality of life throughout the course of an illness, and by managing factors that contribute to the suffering of the patient and patient’s family. Palliative care addresses physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of patients and their families, and provides assistance with medical decision-making.

“Palliative care” is the comprehensive care and management of the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of patients (of all ages) and their families with serious and/ or life-threatening illness. Palliative acre may be complementary to curative or life-prolonging therapies that are being used to meet patient- defined goals of care. DSFH is the first private tertiary hospital in KSA that support such care for terminally ill (advanced stages of their diseases) such as

  • Class iv heart failure
  • Late stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • End stage renal failure
  • Decompensate cirrhosis and/or liver failure
  • End stage dementia
  • Strokes and / or coma
  • Incurable cancer in terminal stage

Palliative care represents a continuum of comfort- oriented and supportive services provided in the home, or in-patient setting for patients with advanced life-limiting disease. Support is provided for the patient’s family or caregivers, including bereavement support following the death of the patient. Palliative care service ensures that all enrolled patients in need of hospice and palliative care are able to obtain these needed services.


  • Optimize symptom control
  • Acute and chronic pain management
  • Optimize functional status when appropriate
  • Promote the highest quality of life for patient and family
  • Educate patients and families to promote understanding of the underlying disease process and expected future course of the illness.
  • Plan for discharge to the appropriate level of care in a timely manner
  • Assist actively dying patients and their families in preparing for and managing life closure.
  • Serve as educators and mentors for staff
  • Promote a system of care that fosters timely access to palliative care service