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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by recurrent obsessive thoughts (irrational and anxiety-inducing) and compulsive behaviors aimed at reducing this anxiety. OCD significantly impacts the patient’s daily life and can manifest at any age, though symptoms typically begin in early adulthood.

OCD Symptoms

OCD causes a variety of symptoms and thoughts that disrupt the daily lives of those affected, making it difficult to control or ignore their influence. Symptoms are broadly divided into two categories:


Obsessive thoughts are persistent, irrational ideas, images, or urges that are difficult to control. These thoughts create significant anxiety and may interfere with daily life. Common examples include: (2)

  • Fear of contamination or dirt from touching surfaces others have touched.
  • Doubts and anxiety about leaving the door unlocked or appliances on.
  • Intense discomfort when items are not orderly or symmetrical.
  • Disturbing mental images, such as imagining driving through a crowded area and harming people.

Compulsive behaviors are actions performed in response to obsessive thoughts, often to alleviate the anxiety they cause. For instance, someone afraid of germs may excessively wash their hands to feel relief. These behaviors may also be repetitive distractions to avoid unwanted thoughts, such as harming others. Examples include: (3)

  • Repeatedly organizing and arranging items, even if they are already tidy.
  • Constantly checking that doors are locked or appliances are off, sometimes multiple times.
  • Mentally repeating specific words or counting endlessly.
  • Avoiding places or situations that trigger obsessive thoughts.

While individuals with OCD often recognize that these actions are illogical or unnecessary, they find it difficult to stop or control them.

Common Patterns of OCD

Although not officially classified, OCD symptoms often follow distinct patterns, such as:  (4)

  • Checking and Doubting: Persistent worry about forgetting something, like locking doors or turning off appliances.
  • Fear of Contamination.
  • Need for Order: urge to arrange or organize things in a specific way.
  • Intrusive Thoughts: Disturbing or unwanted ideas, such as violent, sexual, or religious thoughts.
  • Postpartum OCD: Extreme fear of harm coming to one’s baby.

How Does OCD Affect Daily Life?

Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors can consume significant time, making it difficult for individuals to complete daily tasks or engage in regular activities. This often leads to strained relationships and difficulty maintaining social interactions.

As symptoms worsen, patients may begin avoiding situations that trigger their obsessions, potentially leading to behaviors such as refusing to eat, avoiding strangers, or staying home out of fear.

In many cases, OCD is accompanied by other mental health conditions, such as: (4)

  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Social phobia.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Separation anxiety.

One of the most challenging aspects for those with OCD is hiding their symptoms and thoughts, which can cause additional psychological stress and negatively impact relationships with family and friends.

Effective treatments for OCD are available and can significantly help manage the condition. If you or someone you know experiences signs of OCD, consult our professionals at the Department of Psychiatry for proper diagnosis and treatment.


  1. NIH Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  2. Mayo Clinic - Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  3. Psychiatry - What Is are Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders?
  4. WebMD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Signs and Treatment

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