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The "TAP Block" injection is the ideal and most recent solution to manage pain after a cesarean section. What is this injection? When is it used? How long does it work? All that information and more in this article.

What Is “TAP Block” Injection?

The TAP Block injection is a new method for post-operative pain relief, especially after lower abdominal surgeries like cesarean sections. It entails the injection of a local anesthetic near the nerves supplying the lower abdominal wall, guided by ultrasound. (1)

At the end of the operation, before the patient leaves the operating room, the injection is given. It is safer and lasts longer than other pain relief methods, usually providing pain relief for the first 18-24 hours after C-section, which is the most critical post-surgery period.

How Does It Work?

This injection has an effect on numbing the nerves through which pain sensation is transmitted from the surgical area to the brain and can last several hours or even days after surgery. (1)

When Is It Used?

The TAP Block injection is mostly given following a cesarean section and other lower abdominal surgeries, such as hernia repair, appendectomy, cholecystectomy, and hysterectomy. With the goal of providing relief from severe post-operative pain. (1)

Where Is It Administered?

The TAP block injection is given in the lower abdomen, where it targets a group of nerves that supply the abdominal wall. (1)

Does It Completely eliminate pain?

The Tab block is highly effective, leaving most patients with minimal discomfort only. Any residual pain can usually be managed effectively with mild analgesics, if needed.

Advantages of TAP Block

Key advantages are: (3)

  • Effective Pain Relief: Provides the most optimal alleviation in the surgical area, even after anesthesia given for surgery has long worn off, and the mother gets a chance to rest and relax.
  • Accelerated Recovery: Patients can recover faster and get back to their daily lifestyle.
  • Reduced Need for Painkillers: Reduces the need for strong painkillers that may have side effects.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Enables the new mum to get more rest and relaxation, enhancing her experience with her newborn without significant pain.

Are There Any Side Effects?

The TAP block is a relatively safe procedure, with rare complications, especially since it is administered with the guidance of ultrasound, ensuring precise injection placement. Additionally, it does not contain opioids, which means it has minimal side effects, including: (2)

  • Mild Bruising: At the site of injection.
  • Dizziness or Headache: Which may occur temporarily.
  • Minor Inflammation: At the injection site.

When Is TAP Block Not Used?

The TAP Block injection is contraindicated in very few cases, such as allergy to the anesthetic that will be used in the injection, or an active infection present at the site of injection. (2)

Epidural vs. TAP Block Injections

Epidurals: (4)

  • Used for: Pain relief during labor and lower body surgery. Given before the surgery
  • Contains opioids: and therefore may cause side effects such as nausea.

TAP Blocks: (2)

  • Used for: Alleviation of post-operative pain below the waist area, especially after a C- section. Given at the end of surgery before the patient leaves the operating room.
  • No opioids: instead, a local anesthetic is injected close to the nerves and is therefore much safer. 

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital offers the latest pain-relief techniques for cesarean sections, including the TAP block injection. Schedule your appointment now and get all your questions answered for an exceptional delivery experience.


  2. Transversus Abdominis Plane Block: Background, Indications, Contraindications, Medscape
  3. Do adjuncts in TAP blocks prolong analgesia post caesarean section? Health Research Authority
  4. Epidural - Benefits & Side Effects of Anesthesia During Labor, American Society of Anesthesiologists

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