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Dr. Abdullah Ahmad Alzahrani

Dr. Abdullah Ahmad Alzahrani

eneral Pediatric, Pediatric Emergency
eneral Pediatric, Pediatric Emergency
English - Arabic
10 years

Brief Profile

Dr. Abdullah Al-Zahrani is a consultant General Pediatric and Pediatric emergency.  he has a fellowship from King Saud University Medical City in general Pediatric as well as  subspecialisation in Pediatric emergencies.

Dr. Abdullah has had experience in Pediatric since 2013 and has previously worked in several hospitals in Riyadh. He is a member of the quality team of the Pediatric Emergency Department at King Saud University Medical City. A participant in the medical assessment tests of King Saud Medical City and the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and participant in the academic activities of resident doctors in King Saud University Medical City and King Saud Medical City. He is a certified instructor  for the Pediatric advanced life support course.

Dr. Abdullah specializes in children's emergencies and critical conditions such as fever, infectious diseases, asthma, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. He also specializes in cases requiring resuscitation or intensive care, trauma, fractures, and wounds.

Core Competencies

  • Urgent and critical cases requiring resuscitation or intensive care
  • fever cases
  • Respiratory emergencies such as asthma crises, cough and shortness of breath
  • Cases of vomiting, diarrhoea and dehydration
  • Cases of abdominal pain and constipation
  • Cases of urinary tract infections
  • Cases of high or low sugar
  • Cases of unconsciousness, dizziness and convulsions
  • Cases of respiratory, throat and ear infections
  • trauma, fractures and wounds
  • Cases of hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis


  • MBBS. King Saud University, 2012.
  • Saudi Board of General Pediatric at King Saud University Medical City, December 2017.
  • Pediatric Emergency Fellowship, 2020.

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