What is Oral Thrush?
Oral thrush, also known as oral candidiasis, is a fungal infection that affects the mucous membranes of the mouth. It's caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called "Candida albicans". This fungus is naturally present in the mouth and digestive tract, but an imbalance in the natural bacteria and fungi can lead to this uncomfortable condition.
While oral thrush is more common in infants and older adults, it can affect anyone at any age, especially those with weakened immune systems. [1]
Causes of Oral Thrush
Several factors can contribute to oral thrush and the abnormal overgrowth of fungi in the mouth. The main causes include: [1][2]
- Weakened immune system: This is particularly true for people with conditions like HIV/AIDS or cancer, or those taking immunosuppressant medications.
- Diabetes: High blood sugar, especially when uncontrolled, can also raise sugar levels in saliva, creating a favorable environment for fungal overgrowth.
- Antibiotic use: Especially long-term or high doses, antibiotics can reduce beneficial bacteria in the mouth, which normally help keep fungal growth in check.
- Smoking: Smoking is a contributing and exacerbating factor for oral thrush.
- Corticosteroid medications: This includes both inhalers for asthma and oral corticosteroids.
- Dry mouth: Reduced saliva production creates a suitable environment for fungi to thrive.
- Poor oral hygiene: This is especially relevant for people with braces or dentures.
- Infants and older adults: Due to their less developed or weakened immune systems.
Symptoms of Oral Thrush
Oral thrush often appears suddenly, characterized by creamy white, slightly raised patches inside the mouth, particularly on the tongue and inner cheeks. These patches may also extend to the roof of the mouth, gums, tonsils, or back of the throat. [3]
Other symptoms that may accompany oral thrush:
- Redness and soreness inside the mouth or at the corners of the lips.
- Partial loss of taste or altered taste.
- Feeling of dryness or cotton-like sensation in the mouth.
- The patches may be painful and bleed slightly when scraped or when brushing teeth.
In severe cases, the infection can extend to the esophagus, causing:
- Pain or difficulty swallowing.
- Sensation of food being stuck in the throat or mid-chest.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it's best to consult a doctor or dentist for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
How is Oral Thrush Diagnosed?
Doctors usually diagnose oral thrush by asking about your symptoms and examining your mouth for white patches. If symptoms don't improve after treatment or the diagnosis is unclear, the doctor may take a sample (swab) of the sores for laboratory testing to confirm the diagnosis and choose the most suitable treatment. [4]
Treatment for Oral Thrush
Oral thrush is usually treated with topical antifungal medications, such as antifungal mouthwash or creams. [4]
- In some cases, the doctor may prescribe an oral antifungal medication in tablet form.
- Treatment usually lasts for at least a week, but the duration varies depending on the individual case. If you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist to ensure proper use of the medication.
Prevention of Oral Thrush
To prevent oral thrush, it's recommended to follow these tips: [5]
- Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, and don't forget to floss.
- Quit smoking if you are a smoker.
- Clean your teeth, tongue, and the roof of your mouth twice a day, and don't neglect flossing.
- Visit your dentist regularly.
- If you have a chronic condition like diabetes, make sure to manage it well to reduce the risk of oral infections.
- If you use a corticosteroid inhaler for asthma, rinse your mouth with water after each use and spit it out.
- Mayo Clinic - Oral thrush
- Webmd- Oral Thrush: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
- Clevelandclinic - Thrush: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
- Healthdirect - Oral thrush | healthdirect
- NHS inform - Oral thrush in adults